Friday, February 13, 2015

                Yesterday we held an annual CTE exposition. It is when we put the essence of this class on display for freshmen to see what we have been doing throughout the year or years. The freshmen were here to see and the sophomore, juniors, and seniors hosted it under the supervision of Ms. Ramirez. It took place at I.T.H.S. room 237.  It was 2/12/15 when I participated in my first CTE expo. We, as a class or 3 different grades, displayed our most prized work.

                We all shared something we did throughout the year. For the sophomores it was our final project, the juniors presented games, and seniors presented websites. we do this every year to make sure the freshmen know what opportunities they have in their following years. We also feel the pride of being able to display things we had no idea how to make just a few months ago. I thought it was a good turn out because the freshmen looked satisfied with what they saw. I can't wait to see the turn out next year!

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