Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lab 11 The GIF

 In this lab we made a gif or moving image story board. I made one of a human crossing area. I used the gradient tool and the select tool mostly. This was fun because we could be as creative as ever and we could make anything we wanted. I could not find out how to make something  temporarily disappear from the screen, despite this I made a nice gif that others liked. This skill can be extremely useful for when we make websites and we want to decorate the page with moving images. I definitely enjoyed this lab and would do it again!

Friday, February 13, 2015

                Yesterday we held an annual CTE exposition. It is when we put the essence of this class on display for freshmen to see what we have been doing throughout the year or years. The freshmen were here to see and the sophomore, juniors, and seniors hosted it under the supervision of Ms. Ramirez. It took place at I.T.H.S. room 237.  It was 2/12/15 when I participated in my first CTE expo. We, as a class or 3 different grades, displayed our most prized work.

                We all shared something we did throughout the year. For the sophomores it was our final project, the juniors presented games, and seniors presented websites. we do this every year to make sure the freshmen know what opportunities they have in their following years. We also feel the pride of being able to display things we had no idea how to make just a few months ago. I thought it was a good turn out because the freshmen looked satisfied with what they saw. I can't wait to see the turn out next year!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

              The visual design class helped me understand more about technology. My grades weren't as great as I had hoped. I usually catch on and understand topics quickly but this was different. Learning about photoshop was challenging, but i got through it with new knowledge and my head held high. This fall I learned about photoshop and indesign, their tools and their components. I found it especially fun when we had to make our logos because we had the freedom to express our creativity and individuality. the harder more difficult aspects were when the pace was too fast and i was held behind by an anchor of missing knowledge. Luckily my friends and peers helped me and I overcame the obstacles. I found the restoration lab especially challenging because the tools did not behave as i had hoped. The independent homework was what held me back. To improve in the future I must turn in all my work. This is vital for the future because the fall semester because it acts as a foundation for future lessons.